Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Strained is a good way to put it... - Cody

life sucks... lets not be hippies here people, in real life, the one we all live in, it sucks... it's not fare at all... my dad told me yesterday "lifes a bitch, then you die" and it's true... a friend of mine, one i have told that i love, is trying to convince me that i should just give up on her... first she tells me that i'm "the only friend she has", then she says she hates me. i ask "why", and she says "because you wont give up"... then i say "fine! i give up" then she says she says i'll be happy this way, but i feel like shit... then she says she feels like shit... which makes me feel... shittier... Then, i try and be 'just a friend' and she asks me why i dont care, BUT I DO CARE DANG IT!!! and i tell her i do, and she go's off and tells me she wants me to stop caring... god... freaking... dammit... you cant have it both ways...

ok there's my rant... since a good handful of you either have a vagina, or has better luck with those who have vagina's than i do... please... help me out... i really do love this person... she lives in VA and i want to fly there to see her like... the day i have enough cash... please... someone tell me what to do...


  1. My Policy is always Honesty. Tell her exactly how you feel and that you hate being told to go right and left at the same time, Just be completely open and honest with her and if she still wants to be friends that's one thing, but at least she won't be doubting anything, and if she does she really can't be as good as all that, because really... It's all the secrets that cause the problems. People covering up and lying or just omitting is what causes issues. At least if you're honest you know you've done everything you can. Nobody can ask more of you than that.
    And if she does she's totally not worth it. >:/
    You're too awesome to have to deal with people who won't give you even the slightest hint of what's going on. ><

    So there's that. XD Despite the rant on the silly funny blog. ^_^ S'all good.

  2. the problem is less of her being worth it and more of her not thinking she's worth it

  3. Then (as long as you believe she is worth the effort) you have to try to convince her, but sadly a lot of the time that isn't something you can change about someone, they have to come to the realization on their own. All you can really do is be there for her as long as you care and make sure she -knows- you believe she is worth it.

  4. that seems like the plan... glad to know i'm not breaking some un-written female law of courtship... lol i'll endure, it's just that sometimes texting *hug* just isn't good enough... this is sort of why i need a job, so i can stop texting and start doing thanks for the support

  5. It's really not enough... I mean, my best friend of like... ten years lives in Louisiana and it's definitely not enough there, so I can't imagine what it's like with someone you seriously have feelings for...
    The biggest thing is making sure she knows you believe in her, and doing what you can in helping her on the road to accepting herself, but really... She just has to figure it out. Something will eventually click that someone does care about her and that she is worth it. It's a problem a lot of girls face and I hit from time to time, seeing as I've never had a boyfriend, but I am a completely hopeless romantic and just keep hoping, sometimes people give up hope, then when something good comes around they have no idea how to deal with it.

  6. yup, hopeless romantic, that's the way i describe myself, my sister on the other hand... she's either a player of a slut, i cant decide which... anyhow, her home life sucked a lot so commitment and trust issues are bound to be there... it just looks like i'm going to have to hold her at arms length until she's ready... as for you Lauren, you're bound to find some viking guy sooner or later... you know... vikings, they have like locater beacons in there blood in addition to there heater-blood, it'll all work out...

  7. I feel like that about my brother a lot too. XD Except I call him a man hoe. ^_^;; Yeah... It's not such a surprise really... a lot of people nowadays are fucked up by home and high school. Jd just got his ass kicked by Operation Grapefruit today. >.> It was really sad... We escaped choir and sat in the fish tank.
    Haha.... I hope so. I kinda like somebody right now... but they are kindof... not afraid exactly, but not entirely into relationships. >< Don't we nice people just have all the luck? :/
